Meet the Artist: Ashleigh Ben-Danan

Meet the Artist: Ashleigh Ben-Danan

We sat down with artist, dear friend and colour lover Ashleigh Ben-Danan behind our current collection to learn a little more about her inspiration, what sparks JOY for her and her passion in creating pieces for Wild Mingo. 

WM: So Ash it's pretty safe to say we think you're incredible. Tell us a little more about how you got started in the art world?

AB: Art has been the one thing in my life that has always felt natural to me. From a young age, it was one of the only things I felt like I didn't have to pretend to love doing. At school I had to work really hard to enjoy some of my other subjects, but I felt I could escape in my happy place in the art studio. I create art because it inspires me and makes me happy. You will always find colour in my work as that's my favourite part.

WM: You've had a number of careers exploring colour - tell us about them?

AB: I started my early career with photography, I loved artistic shots and remember adding colour to my set ups. There may even be a few photos of Candice from my early days

WM: Ohh and may they stay hidden deep in a vault!

AB: From there I moved into makeup artistry, I love to paint things - so starting with people's faces made sense. The opportunity to create wash away and recreate. I also started to experiment with fashion - jazz up a bag or a pair of shoes. I see possibility in everything. Whilst I've been connected to art in various foms my whole life, during covid I created my own art studio at home so that I could easily paint whenever I pleased and that little set up sparks absolute Joy for me

WM: Well you know we absolutely adore things that spark joy - tell us what you love to create?

AB: I love to put colours on a palette and just see whatever happens! I don't usually have an exact plan, however I'm usually inspired by colours or a general theme.  

WM: So where does that inspiration come from?

AB: I often find inspiration in home decor and of course scrolling through instagram haha. Sometimes even in fashion. It's usually from seeing a colour palette I love, and then using those colours to see what comes out on the canvas.

My art doesn't have to be loved by every single person, but the ones who do love it have expressed their happiness and joy from each piece, and that's all I could ever hope for!

WM: So we asked you to work with us when we launched - why did you say yes?

AB: So it helps a little that Candice is one of my oldest and best friends 😜, but also that we share a love for fun colours, fashion and decor. I wanted to create bright fun pieces and to have them now in so many more people's homes (and pilates/yoga studios) than the original canvas is incredible. 

WM: What is your favourite design?

AB: It's hard to pick! I think I will always love Joy as it has my favourite colours in it, with the main being Pink! 

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